Welcome to March, a month to enjoy creative, uplifting communication, flexibility and purposeful risk-taking.
From the transformative energy of February, we move into a different kind of movement- one where we have the opportunity to take a look at our situations from all sides, and through different lenses. It is a time of more mental agility, open-mindedness and courageously taking calculated risks and then share our insights publicly.
Like January, March has two Full Moons, one on March 2 and the next on March 31.
The Virgo Full Moon on March 2 encourages us to have the courage to take that step into change, explore our projects, tend to the details so that we can step confidently into new and unfamiliar territory. The Sun is joined in Pisces by Neptune, inviting an intuitive and spiritual approach to our mission.
The Pisces New Moon on March 17, invites us to approach our lives from a broader perspective and with Neptune in a very wide conjunction, encourages us to use our intuitive powers to see what lies beneath and initiate a more compassionate consciousness.
The Libra Blue Full Moon on March 31 encourages us to watch our thoughts, see the beauty all around us and cultivate love in our life. The Sun in Aries adds the passion and vitality for creating balance and harmony in our lives. A retrograded Mercury encourages us to look within and watch our words, because what we say and think has great power over our lives and the lives of others.
Every month the Sun and the Moon draws us into a new, ever evolving dance. Each of us has a role to play and steps to perform and together, we create an incredible performance. Just as in a real dance with our partner, it helps to know when we are to advance, pause, change direction or retreat.
You’re invited to discover your personal timing code, revealed by my new book, Numerology, Your Monthly Oracle. Using the creative cycles of Numerology, uncover when it is the right time to move forward with your goals, or when to take time to review your progress and make a new plan.
Understanding your personal timing cycle will get you back into alignment with your natural creative cycle, stop the struggle, leverage your precious energy, restore your sense of value and hope for success as you start to see results.
You can order Numerology, Your Monthly Oracle, on Amazon in print or Kindle version. Click here to order.