March 12, we enjoy a Virgo Full Moon with the Sun in Pisces. In Numerology, it is a number 7 Universal Day and we may find ourselves thinking about spirituality as a whole, analyzing and researching our relationship with it. Again, the theme of this lunation is about building durable, reliable and long-lasting relationships and Virgo, as an Earth sign, helps us ground this concept. The Pisces Sun urges an element of the spiritual, and is amplified by Neptune in Pisces, it's native sign and Mercury, also in Pisces. Mercury is the planet associated with Virgo.
This is a time for figuring out the nuts and bolts of our future. Both Virgo and Mercury tend to dig deep, dissemble something, then rebuild it again, in its perfection. What if what we are rebuilding and gaining a greater understanding of how to live in relationship with others from a place of peace and compassion? Or another way to look at it is, what if this Full Moon is shining the light on discovering our spiritual nature and seeing others as part of a big, cosmic family?
Jupiter and Uranus dance together along with Saturn and Pluto, urging an inner exploration for unique, farseeing, out of the box ideas, that are functional and bring hope and joy.
Human Design supports the evolutionary themes of Astrology. The Sun is in the Gate 22, the gate of grace and listening to the Divine for direction rather than jumping into something without thinking. The Moon, in Gate 47 urges patience and waiting for the 'how' of the Divine direction to show up.
With the outer planets holding steady, watch that doubts don't take you down a rabbit hole that causes you to jump at any idea that comes along. The exercise is to find an optimistic state of mind while waiting for the right timing to implement your ideas and take action. There is power and wisdom in ideal timing, even though with Mars, the planet of action and passion in the gate of innovations and Venus, restless and easily bored in the Gate 36, maintaining a state of patient readiness and waiting can become a big challenge. Also, with Venus retrograde, it's a good time to review your plans and relationships and formulate plans, based upon Divine Guidance and wait to implement them until Venus goes direct April 15.
Enjoy this time of inspiration and inner peace. What gives you angst will be made crystal clear with sudden, inspirational insights. The overarching energies of March are about transformation and rebirth and this Full Moon suggests the topic to regenerate is building solid relationships not only with others, but more importantly, with yourself.
Until next time,
Elaine Correia
Spiritual Teacher and Healer